second circular

diffusion-fundamentals Diffusion Fundamentals Conference
(step 1 of 3)

Diffusion Fundamentals I
September 22nd - 24th, 2005

Please, use this form only for one person. Please complete this form and return it to the Local Organizing Committee:
Christian Chmelik, Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Linnéstr. 5, D-04103 Leipzig, phone +49 341 97 32531, fax +49 341 97 32549 or click 'Send' for electronic transmission (prefered).

Mr Mrs
Name, First Name, Title

, ,

company / university
street, house number,
zip, city,
country, state

phone, fax,

I plan to present
a poster on the topic

I will pay by

credit card (Master or Visa)
bank transfer
The participation fee for early registration (till June 30, 2005) is 185,- Euro, for late registration and cash payers it is 220,- Euro

I would like to

bring along an accompanying person (60,- Euro)
take part in a guided tour through the center of Leipzig on Saturday afternoon (5,- Euro)
visit the German Library (DDB), Russian Church and (optional) the Monument dedicated to the "Battle of the Nations" 1813 in the south of Leipzig (close to the conference location) on Saturday afternoon (5,- Euro)
take part in a bus trip to Wilhelm-Ostwald Memorial Großbothen and Leipzig's "New Zealand" on Saturday afternoon (20,- Euro)
visit Meißen (birthplace of European porcelain) and Dresden (old residence of Saxony) in a bus tour on Sunday (67,- Euro)
Please, tick only one excursion per day. Costs for the excursion will be charged twice if you bring along an accompanying person.

admin: Tomas Binder