Diffusion Fundamentals II
Basic Principles of Theory, Experiment and ApplicationAugust 26th - 29th, 2007
L'Aquila, Italy
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Second Circular Diffusion Fundamentals IIBasic Principles of Theory, Experiment and ApplicationAugust 26th - 29th, 2007 L'Aquila, Italy
Two years after the Diffusion Fundamentals I Conference in Leipzig, the world-wide community of researchers in the field of diffusion is invited to L'Aquila to highlight the current developments in the field. Following the tradition of Diffusion Fundamentals I (see book announcement) a Conference Volume with paintings of L'Aquila by the Japanese physicist and artist Taro Ito will appear as a souvenir for all participants. Diffusion Fundamentals II is co-organized by University College London, University of Leipzig and University of L'Aquila.
Session Chairmen:
Each group of plenary talks shall be accompanied by poster sessions. Ideally, the contributions to the poster sessions should be related to the various aspects covered in the plenary talks. Correspondingly, the plenary speakers and the chairpersons of the sessions shall be asked to serve as first reviewers of the poster submissions and shall be encouraged to refer to individual posters during their presentations, whenever appropriate. Preliminary Schedule
Location The conference takes place in the Castle of L’Aquila. The massive 16th-century Spanish castle crowns the city's highest point and is surrounded by the large Parco del Castello (click for bird’s eye view of the Castle by Google maps). The city of L'Aquila is one hour away from Rome. L'Aquila, laid out within medieval walls, is surrounded by mountains on all sides. A booklet by Albrecht Beutelspacher, University of Giessen, in both German and Italian (ISBN 3423330694), entitled "Pasta all'infinito - my Italian Journey into Maths", provides a nice introduction to the conference location, its people and some mathematics. As part of the social programme, with an entertaining talk on the "(wo)man on the street" he is as well going to present some mathematical surprises during the conference. Following his first visit to L'Aquila described in this book, the international community of researchers in the field of diffusion is invited to take profit of a marvellous place, not yet heavily affected by tourism, and its picturesque ambience. Fees and Payment Again, the conference will be performed as a low-cost conference benefiting from a comprehensive use of the Internet and an electronic mail system for information exchange and operational purposes. The participation fee for early registration (till June 30th, 2007) is 250,- Euro, for late registration and cash payers it is 300,- Euro. The reduced fee for students is 200,- Euro (early registration) and 250,- Euro, respectively. For registration, please fill out the registration form. The conference fee comprises the Conference Book, beverages and meals during the conference and the social programme, including the welcome buffet on Sunday, August 26th, the Gala dinner and the excursion to Castelvecchio Calviso and Santo Stefano (two lovely villages in the National Park of Gran Sasso). In the afternoon and evening of August 28th, the participants will have the chance to follow the ceremony of the Perdonanza in L’Aquila. The Perdonanza is a special plenary indulgence conceded by Celestine V at the end of the 13th century which gives all sinners the opportunity to free their souls from guilt and damnation. It is celebrated each year on 28th and 29th of August and has meanwhile developed to a unique choreographic spectacle. The price for accompanying persons is 60,- Euro, including participation on welcome party, gala dinner, guided tour through the city of L’Aquila and the excursion to Castelvecchio Calviso and Santo Stefano. Accommodation Following this link you can find some hotels, which are close to the city centre and the conference facilities. For booking, please use the codeword “Diffusion” to benefit from special conditions for conference participants. On individual request some mini apartments as shared low-cost accommodation are available for a limited number of persons, mainly for students. The rooms are located in the Hotel Duca degli Abruzzi complex (30,- Euro per person and night) and in the Hotel Azzurro (25,- Euro per person and night). Due to the limited number of reserved rooms, please contact the organizing committee as soon as possible, if you want to stay there. Conference Volume The conference book will include full paper contributions of plenary speakers and sessions' chairmen and the two-page poster abstracts and is complemented by paintings of L'Aquila by the Japanese physicist and artist Taro Ito. A total of the conference contributions will be published only electronically, as a special volume of the Online-Journal "Diffusion Fundamentals". This online publication will accomplish the Conference Volume as well as the full paper contributions by poster presenters (see below for details). Posters Authors who would like to have their abstracts included into the Conference Book are requested to send their two-pages contributions via the Internet before May 31st, 2007. Later submissions can only be presented in the special volume of the Online-Journal. Please note, that the deadline for last-minutes’ poster contributions is August 17th. Please, follow the format as given under http://diffusion.uni-leipzig.de/pdf/layout-poster-abstracts.doc since only in this case the contribution may be included in the Conference Volume and/or the Online-Journal and send your abstract to tomas@uni-leipzig.de. Full Paper Contributions Plenary speakers and sessions' chairmen are requested to submit their contributions to the conference book as full papers of up to about 20 pages before April 30th 2007, following the instructions given under http://diffusion.uni-leipzig.de/pdf/layout-book-contribution.doc. Authors of contributions which were accepted as posters of the conference are invited to send full papers before August 17th. Please follow the instructions given under http://diffusion.uni-leipzig.de/pdf/layout-full-paper-contribution.doc and send your paper to tomas@uni-leipzig.de. The publication in the special issue of the Online-Journal "Diffusion Fundamentals" depends on the positive response of the referees. Registration Please fill out the registration form available under http://diffusion.uni-leipzig.de/pages/conf2007-registration.php. We will send you a confirmation of your registration via Email after receiving your fee on our bank account. Important Dates 2007
Conference Chairmen: Stefano Brandani, London/Edinburgh; Jörg Kärger, Leipzig; Roberto Volpe, L'Aquila Scientific Committee:
Organizing Committee: Christian Chmelik, Tomas Binder phone: +49 341 9732531, fax: +49 341 9732549 Continuation of the Diffusion Fundamentals Conference Series We are happy to announce that Diffusion Fundamentals III will be organised by Doros Theodorou and held in Athens in spring/early summer 2009. The scientific committee of the conference series (editorial board of Diffusion-Fundamentals.org) is soliciting bids for Diffusion Fundamentals IV, to be held in 2011. If you are interested to contribute to the continuation of this conference series by organising Diffusion Fundamentals IV, please contact a member of the editorial board. Then, during the L'Aquila Conference, the editorial board will decide about the conference location for 2011. Downloads - a poster announcing the conference: http://diffusion.uni-leipzig.de/pdf/diff-fund-II.pdf (pdf, 0.3 MB) - pdf versions of the First Circular and the Second Circular |
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admin: Tomas Binder
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