www.grenzflaechenphysik.de Universität Leipzig


Topic of research in the former department Grenzflächenphysik (physics of interfaces) was the study of interactions between molecules and interfaces by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and optical spectroscopy. The department was established and chaired until 1994 by Professor Harry Pfeifer†. Professor Jörg Kärger served as chair from 1994 to March 2009. Vice-Chairs were Professor Dieter Freude from 1974 to March 2007, Dr. Petrik Galvosas from April 2007 to February 2009 and PD Dr. Frank Stallmach from March 2009 to March 2015. Dr. Christian Chmelik was and is in charge of the IR microimaging technique. The department Grenzflächenphysik was replaced in April 2015 by the department of Molecular Biophysics which is chaired by Professor Ralf Seidel. NMR and optical studies of molecules in porous materials are continued now under the direction of Professor Jürgen Haase. The present Internet page is carried by Jörg Kärger and Christian Chmelik.